Discover Yourself With Art Jamming Singapore Sessions

Art Jamming is a social experience wherein people gather to create art. Either an individual or a group creates the painting.

Art Jamming involves 

The Art Jamming Singapore experience inspires, rejuvenates, and invigorates them, meanwhile giving them a chance to unleash their artistic side.

Types of Art Jamming Sessions-

  • Individual Art Jamming-It allows people to paint their canvas in a public setting. The group does the brainstorming for ideas together. However, the art itself is created by an individual who authorizes complete control.
  • Group Art Jamming-It is a group effort wherein the entire picture looks like a puzzle. A person gets his canvas to paint. In the end, various canvases come together to form the bigger picture. It aids in team building.
  • Neon Sessions-The Neon Art Jamming Singapore Session is altogether a different experience. Rather than using the usual colours, it involves neon ones. Moreover, different neon colours are mixed to give an unusual effect. This is done in tailored lightning rooms to assist the painters.
  • Tote Bag Art Jamming- Unlike other sessions, it does not involve painting on a canvas. Rather it involves creating art on a bag whose fabric is made of cotton or linen. Acrylic colours are used for the same.

Art Jamming Sessions are becoming trendier by the day. It breaks the ice and brings together several people. Hence, it is the ultimate activity for delight and destressing.